Irish Blond 30ltr



Product Price:


Please Note

The Prices here are for rental equipment & keg

For keg prices please call us.

Irish Blond 30ltr keg.

Lager, cider and ale kegs are best consumed within 2-3 weeks of opening. Stout kegs are best consumed with 3 weeks of opening.

Unopened kegs have a shelf life of between 2 -3 months.


The price here is for Party at Home customers who are renting an all inclusive keg and equipment package. For larger bar orders (banquet bar packages), there is a 25.00 discount on all 50ltr kegs.

Not suitable for sale or consumption to anyone under the age of 18 years. Event bars reserves the right to refuse suspect orders. Valid proof of ID required for all orders.

Delivery charges apply.


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